bid day photo of the week facebook contest

bid day photo of the week facebook contest

Each week our staff selects their favorite photos from the most recent Bid Day photo shoots. Each nominated chapter will be eligible for various prizes throughout the year. The “Bid Day Photo of the Year” winner will be receive a grand prize of a free composite along with other surprises.

→ The weekly and grand prize winners will be determined by a combination of Facebook likes, tags, shares, and comments along with voting from the GreekYearbook staff.

The nominees for Bid Day photo of the week are eligible to win the following prizes:

Free Composites
50% off Composite Discounts
20 x 30 Dry Erase Calendar

Large Framed Bid Day Picture
Amazon Gift Card
New Member Announcements

How to play:
1. Click “tag on FB” and find your Sorority’s Bid Day photo on our Facebook page. Then tag yourself / your sisters, like it, share it, and comment.
2. Tell your friends to view and vote for your photo.

Winners will be determined by a combination of Facebook likes, tags, shares, and comments along with input from the GreekYearbook staff.

this weeks bid day photo of the week finalists

Bid Day Photo of the Week finalist!
tag on facebook for the photo of the week contest
Bid Day Photo of the Week finalist!
tag on facebook for the photo of the week contest
Bid Day Photo of the Week finalist!
tag on facebook for the photo of the week contest
Bid Day Photo of the Week finalist!
tag on facebook for the photo of the week contest
Bid Day Photo of the Week finalist!
tag on facebook for the photo of the week contest
Bid Day Photo of the Week finalist!
tag on facebook for the photo of the week contest